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Post Landing Services

Post Landing Services

Immigration is just 25% of entire settlement process. Moving to a new country involves lot of preparations. We take care of remaining 75% through our comprehensive and customized placement and settlement to help you settle in the country of your choice.

Job Search

Our settlement division, guiding our customers to upgrade their educational qualification and acquire additional professional skills required in the country they are immigrating to. Further our expert team covers the job culture, preparation for job market and work ethics in these countries. Information about licensing or professional regulation requirements, list of potential employers, exams to be taken in order to obtain a license and regulation in any of these countries and effective job search techniques, professional licensing and registrations.

Transportation & Lodging

After landing abroad, we take care of their airport pickup, subsidized rooms at guest house. Help in searching accommodation and guidance in purchasing property.

Bank Accounts & Government card

Help in opening bank account, credit card, driving license, health card, SIN card, finding education institutes for their children, guidance in applying for Child tax benefits and getting insurance and many other services.

Advance orientation session are conducted by our experts to guide our clients, social life, culture, banking, education, insurance, health service, travelling and much more services.

We help our clients to completely & peacefully settled in the country of their choice through our extensive experience and professionally managed team.